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3 romantic places to visit in couple

Many romantic places are magical, either because of the place or because of the memories they awake in us. Places that invite you to stop, landscapes that give you back the ability to be surprised, hotels that seem to merge with the ocean, and real book cities.

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How to achieve an impeccable make-up look

If we want to achieve a makeup look as close to perfection as possible, we will have to choose quality products, that is obvious. Another obvious aspect is the makeup process we follow, although this aspect is not always given the importance it deserves.

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Winter, the perfect season for a peeling

A chemical peeling is like an exfoliation but deeper, which consists of the controlled application of substances to eliminate successive layers of the skin and thus achieve subsequent regeneration of the same.

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The 3 most requested cosmetic surgeries

Rhinoplasty, breast augmentation or reduction, and liposuction are three very common procedures to modify and improve the appearance of women.

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Sport, a key factor during pregnancy

Physical activity is an essential pillar of a healthy lifestyle, and during pregnancy, it becomes even more important. Always following the recommendations of the gynecologist, sport helps at every stage of pregnancy, to enjoy more of this beautiful stage of life.

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3 beauty tips for women older than 40 years old

The skin requires different care at each stage of life. As we age, the skin matures and becomes drier and thinner. As the hydro-lipid base is reduced, it also shows signs of sagging, typical of the inexorable passage of time, more pronounced wrinkles, and blemishes.

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