
Find out who has unfollowed you

Instagram never shows us our profile viewers whether we have a business account or a private account. Nowadays there are many apps launched specially for stalking purposes, that allow users to stalk someone on Instagram anonymously. 

Instagram does not have a built-in feature to ban stalkers or let you know who visited your profile. So, to check who is viewing your Instagram you can take help from third-party apps.

Third-party apps are those apps that claim to provide you with some extra features over any other authentic app. We can say that FollowMeter is, from our point of view, the best one to measure your Instagram profile.

FollowMeter is an interesting app that allows you to check who is viewing your Instagram profile, tracing Instagram secret admirers or stalkers. Furthermore, this app helps you keep an eye on your Instagram followers too. You can also use it as your Instagram manager.

Main features of FollowMeter

  • Discover your secret Instagram profile views.
  • Let you know about your ghost followers.
  • Manage your likes who is liking your posts, and also who followed or unfollowed you.

Do you like it? We hope to have helped you to understand better how to manage your Instagram account, knowing more about your followers and your activity on this popular social media.